The story opens with young Caleb having grown up in the hills of the Negev, trained as a mason and wood carver. He leaves his homeland for Egypt in search of adventure and wealth. Because of his talents he is hired on by a stone broker. Who is a wealthy official of Pharaohs court. Although he had built a reputation as an accomplished stone mason and portrait painter, Caleb longed for a better job. Through his employers influence he later trains in Pharaohs elite army division, "The Red Scorpions". By his strength and skills he became a head chariot driver, and then a training master in Pharaohs army. Eventually Caleb becomes part of Pharaohs private place guard.
On one hand the author takes some liberties by describing what the Bible doesn't in order to develop his story. However he does also quote some actual scriptural text from the Bible book, Exodus. His Biblical references appear to be accurate. After reading about the authors occupation and education I understood why he wrote the story as he did. He goes into great detail about tactical military maneuvers and actual battles between the Egyptians and the surrounding peoples. Someone with an interest in war stories and battle scenes would probably enjoy those sections of the book more than myself. Plus he goes into more detail about the brutality and blood shed of war than I enjoy. The story line kept my interest for most of the book. If you enjoy reading about battles and war maneuvers then I recommend "Shadow of the Mountain Exodus". I would give this book three stars. I received this book free from Bethany Publishing House. The above review is strictly my own opinions. Stay tuned for my next review.

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