Many churches are using the book "The Story" by Max Lucado and Randy Frazee for a whole church study and individual Bible and small group studies. The book begins with Genesis the first book in the Bible and ends with Revelation the last book in the Bible and puts this material in the format of telling a story. The authors use a unique approach. They place God in what they refer to as an upper story working to full fill His plan of salvation. Likewise they place man in a lower story context living out his daily life. The separation between the two stories is a result of mans sinful nature and disobedience toward God. The book relates how God because of His love for His creation is working in the upper story to enter into the lower story to restore the lost relationship between Himself and man. In my opinion the book is a good read for people who are seeking to gain more knowledge and better understand the Bible. For people who are more familiar with the Bible the necessity to read this book, I feel, is not as great. I give this book four stars.