Sunday, June 7, 2015

A Untamed Land by Sauraine Snelling

Mrs. Snelling tells a story about our ancestors.  People who came to America from a foreign land for political, economic and religious reasons.  They were a proud, independent, hard working people.  They knew what they wanted and weren't afraid to go through hardships.  Unlike present generation, they had the skills and the stamina to survive.  When trials came they put their faith in God, and they persevered.  This is a story worth reading.
Our story concerns two brothers Roald and Carl Bjorklund and their wives Ingeborg and Kaaren who crossed the seas from Norway.  Roald has a five year old son by a previous marriage.  His second wife Ingeborg realizes that she is pregnant while aboard ship.  Carl's wife Kaaren gives birth to a baby girl before debarking at New York City.  After going thru customs, the five Bjorklund's board a train and then pack all their possessions in one wagon heading to the Red River Valley in North Dakota.  You must read the book "A Untamed Land" to discover their successes.  How they stake out a large plot of land by a water source and plenty of trees.  It is back breaking work to break up the sod in order to farm and to build a one room sod home for each family.  The author gives informative and interesting information about foods eaten and their preparation.  This period in our history has always been one of my favorites.  The story not only gives interesting details of the living conditions .  But also how they cope  with the extreme winters and tremendous trials and tragedies that face both families. 
I liked the way the author goes into depth in developing each characters personality.  My only negative comment is that near the end she jumps in time without the details of how she got there.  I wanted more information.  [Maybe the author was on an editors deadline.]  I loved reading this first book in her series "The Red River of the North".  In fact so much so that I am now reading the second book in the series called "A New Day Rising".  If you enjoy reading a good historical novel I highly recommend this series.  I gladly give this book five stars.  Watch out for another book that I might review for Bethany Publishing House.  See you around.

An Untamed Land, Red River of the North Series #1   -     By: Lauraine Snelling