He opens his book with who God and Jesus are and their attributes. The author feels that many people have a misconception that God is uncaring, distant, vindictive an judgmental. But Mr. Sheet's tries to show how God is the creator of every thing and everyone and that he desires the pleasure of our company. God does not force himself on us but waits for us to come to Him. The author shares how we have become so distracted by the pressures of life that we fail to give God time. We expect God to listen quickly to our requests and respond rapidly with the answers. However we can only hear God when we slow down and listen. Now why don't you sit back in your easy chair with a cup of your favorite beverage and read this book and see if you can't improve your relationship with your creator.
I have received a free copy of this book from Bethany Publishing House, and this review is strictly my own opinions. I would give this book four stars.