The author begins his story in the year 2010 where a series of events caused him to doubt his faith and whether there was a loving a caring God. He moved his family from Connecticut to Washington D.C. to start a new church plant in the D.C. area. Peter and Carol were of Korean descent and moved into an all black neighborhood in Langdon, Va. where there was a high crime rate. Upon occupancy they realized that their house had been vandalized by squatters stripping it of a garbage disposal, sinks and ceiling fans. "Thanks God!" The next main event happened when Carol miscarried their third child. "God if you are there why are you causing our family to suffer?" The new church plant was not going well because of too few members. "God I am a good person, and I have dedicated my life's work to you. Why have you deserted me?" Then Carol was diagnosed with a very aggressive and deadly form of breast cancer for many woman Carol's age. The Dr. informed them that the best course of treatment would be to have a mastectomy and undergo chemotherapy and radiation. However just before the surgery the surgeon discovered that Carol was pregnant. The anesthetic for surgery and the chemotherapy could harm the fetus, but doing nothing or delaying treatment could be detrimental to Carol. "God are you there and do you even care?"
Pastor Chin's faith hit rock bottom as he was overwhelmed with feelings of fear, anger and abandonment. In trying to find answers to his questions he pours through the Bible looking for comfort. Through his study he saw that Jesus, before he was arrested, cried out three times to God his Father "Take this cup from me, but not my will but your will be done." When Christ realized that was not God's will, he gets up and does what he came here to do. Pastor Chin sees that it is ok to go through a period of lament but remaining there and wallowing in self pity was not beneficial for him or his family. He had to accept the situation and proceed in what he felt was God's will. Through his brokenness he relates how he became a better pastor, husband and father.
I enjoyed how he interjects humor throughout his story, and it is an interesting read. You get caught up in all the tragic events happening. I found the scripture text he quotes helpful when a person goes through trials, and we all go through trials. I highly recommend reading this book, and I think it deserves five stars. I received a free copy of this book from Bethany Publishing House, and this review is strictly my own opinions.

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